A good answer might be:

exp refers to a NumberFormatException object.

Exception Objects

Here is a try/catch structure:

  // statements, some of which might throw an exception

catch ( SomeExceptionType ex )
  // statements to handle this type of exception

....  // perhaps more catch blocks

....  // perhaps a finally block

When a catch{} block receives control (starts executing) it has a reference to an object of class Exception (or a subclass of Exception). The specific class of the object depends on what exception was thrown.

When an exception event occurs while a program is running, the Java run time system takes over, creates an Exception object to represent the event. Information about the event is put in the object. If the exception arose inside a try{} block, the Java run time system sends the Exception object to the appropriate catch{} block (if there is one).

Exception objects are Java objects. They have member data and member methods, including:

A catch{} block can use these methods to write an informative error message to the monitor.


Say that an array has been declared by:

int[] value = new int[10];

Is it legal to refer to value[10] ?